/* ================================================ ----------------- Simple Main.js ------------- */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Simple = { initialised: false, mobile: false, container : $('#portfolio-item-container'), blogContainer : $('#blog-item-container'), init: function () { if(!this.initialised) { this.initialised = true; } else { return; } // Call Simple Functions this.pageLoadAnim(); this.checkMobile(); this.menuHover(); this.mobileMenuDropdownFix(); this.menuOnClick(); this.stickyHeader(); this.overlayMenuToggle(); this.overlayMenuDropdownFix(); this.sideMenu(); this.sideMenuToggle(); this.productZoom(); this.scrollToTop(); this.twitterFeed(); this.flickerFeed(); this.instagramFeed(); this.progressBars(); this.scrollAnimations(); this.tooltip(); this.popover(); /* Call function if Owl Carousel plugin is included */ if ( $.fn.owlCarousel ) { this.owlCarousels(); } // Call after carousel to make it work without a problem this.countTo(); /* Call function if noUiSlider plugin is included */ if (typeof noUiSlider === "object") { this.filterSliders(); } /* Call function if Light Gallery plugin is included */ if ( $.fn.lightGallery) { this.lightBox(); } /* Matchheight for products / shop - category pares*/ if ( $.fn.matchHeight ) { this.matchProducts(); } var self = this; /* Imagesloaded plugin included in isotope.pkgd.min.js */ /* Portfolio isotope + Blog masonry with images loaded plugin */ if ( typeof imagesLoaded === 'function' ) { self.container.imagesLoaded(function () { self.isotopeActivate(); // recall for plugin support self.isotopeFilter(); }); self.blogContainer.imagesLoaded(function () { self.blogMasonry(); }); } }, checkMobile: function () { /* Mobile Detect*/ if ( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { this.mobile = true; } else { this.mobile = false; } }, pageLoadAnim: function() { // Page Loader Animation if ($('#page-loader').length) { $('#page-loader').delay(700).fadeOut(800, function () { $(this).remove(); }); } }, menuHover: function () { if (typeof Modernizr === "object" && Modernizr.mq('only all and (min-width: 768px)') && !Modernizr.touchevents) { if ($.fn.hoverIntent) { $('.header').find('.navbar-nav').not('.nav-overlay').hoverIntent({ over: function() { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('open'); if($this.find('ul, div').length) { $this.find('.dropdown-toggle').addClass('disabled'); } }, out: function() { var $this = $(this); $this.removeClass('open'); if($this.hasClass('open')) { $this.find('.dropdown-toggle').removeClass('disabled'); } }, selector: 'li', timeout: 100, interval: 40 }); } } }, mobileMenuDropdownFix : function () { if ( typeof Modernizr === "object" && (Modernizr.mq('only all and (max-width: 767px)') || Modernizr.touchevents) ) { $('.navbar-nav').not('.nav-overlay').find('.dropdown-toggle').on('click', function (e) { var parent = $(this).closest('li'); // close all the siblings and their children parent.siblings().removeClass('open').find('li').removeClass('open'); // open which one is clicked parent.toggleClass('open'); // prevent e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); } }, menuOnClick: function() { var self = this; // Menu on click scroll animation for onepages $('.onepage-nav').find('a').on('click', function (e) { var target = $(this).attr('href'); if ( target.indexOf('#') === -1 || !$(target).length ) { return; } var elem = $(target), targetPos = elem.offset().top; $('html, body').animate({ 'scrollTop': targetPos }, 1200); e.preventDefault(); }); }, stickyHeader: function () { // Sticky header - calls if sticky-header class is added to the header if ( $('.sticky-header').length && $(window).width() >= 992 ) { var sticky = new Waypoint.Sticky({ element: $('.sticky-header')[0], stuckClass: 'fixed', offset: -400 }); } }, overlayMenuToggle: function () { // Overlay Menu Show/Hide via .nav-open class $('.menu-toggle').on('click', function (e) { $('.navbar-container').toggleClass('nav-open'); e.preventDefault(); }); }, overlayMenuDropdownFix: function() { // Overlay menu sub dropdown toggle fix $('.nav-overlay').find('.dropdown-toggle').on('click', function (e) { var parent = $(this).closest('li'); // close all the siblings and their children parent.siblings().removeClass('open').find('li').removeClass('open'); // open which one is clicked parent.toggleClass('open'); // prevent e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, sideMenu: function () { if ($.fn.metisMenu) { $('.side-menu').metisMenu(); } }, sideMenuToggle: function () { // Overlay Menu Show/Hide via .nav-open class $('.sidemenu-toggle').on('click', function (e) { $('.header-inside').toggleClass('open'); e.preventDefault(); }); }, owlCarousels: function () { /* index2.html - Boxed news Carousel */ $('.boxed-news-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:25, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 768: { items:2 }, 1200: { items:3 } } }); /* Index3 - Portfolio Carousel */ $('.portfolio-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Index4 - Latest Posts Carousel */ $('.latest-posts-carousel-3col.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 } } }); /* Index5 - Portfolio Carousel */ $('.portfolio-fullwidth-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1280: { items:5 }, 1600: { items:6 }, 1920: { items:7 } } }); /* Index6 - Latest PostsCarousel */ $('.latest-posts-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Index7 - Team Carousel */ $('.team-carousel-sm.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* Index7 - Latest Carousel */ $('.latest-news-carousel-sm.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* Index8 - Portfolio 2col Carousel */ $('.portfolio-2col-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1600: { items:5 }, 1900: { items:6 } } }); /* Index9 - Clients/Partners Carousel 3col */ $('.clients-carousel-3col.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:10, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 280: { items:2 }, 480: { items:3 }, 768: { items:2 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* Index9 - Latest news list carousel */ $('.latest-news-list-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 18000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 992: { items:2 } } }); /* Index9 - Portfolio 2row carousel */ $('.portfolio-2row-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Index-agency5 - Latest Post Carousel */ $('.latest-posts-carousel-4col.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Index-creative3 - Latest Projects Carousel */ $('.vertical-portfolio-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1440: { items:5 }, 1800: { items:6 } } }); /* Index-creative3 - Our Team Carousel */ $('.vertical-team-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1440: { items:5 }, 1800: { items:6 } } }); /* Index-creative3 - Our Blog Carousel */ $('.vertical-posts-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1440: { items:5 }, 1800: { items:6 } } }); /* index-Blog.html - Featured Entry Carousel */ $('.featured-entry-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 1200: { items:4 } } }); /* Index-medical - Latest Post Medical Carousel */ $('.latest-posts-medical-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Index-dentist - Testimonials Carousel */ $('.testimonials-carousel-dots.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 768: { items:2 } } }); /* Index-veterinary - Testimonials Carousel */ $('.testimonials-slider-dots.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, items:1 }); /* index-shop.html - Top Products Carousel */ $('.top-products-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 1200: { items:4 } } }); /* index-shop.html - Banner Slider Widget */ $('.owl-carousel.banner-widget-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, items:1, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 18000 }); /* index-shop.html - Latest News Carousel */ $('.latest-news-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 1200: { items:4 } } }); /* index-shop2.html - Top Products Carousel 5col */ $('.top-products-carousel-5col.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items: 4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); /* index-shop2.html - Latest News Carousel 5col */ $('.latest-news-carousel-5col.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items: 4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); /* index-shop3.html - Trending Products Carousel */ $('.trending-products-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items: 4 } } }); /* Index-gym2 - Latest Post 4col Carousel */ $('.latest-posts-4col-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Product.html - Product carousel to zoom product section */ $('.owl-carousel.product-gallery').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:3, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:4 }, 480: { items:6 }, 768: { items:6 }, 992: { items:5 }, 1200: { items: 6 } } }); /* Similiar Carousel - compare.html - product.html */ $('.similiar-products-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 18000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); /* Testimonials Slider */ $('.testimonials-slider.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ items: 1, loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000 }); /* Clients/Partners Carousel */ $('.clients-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:2, margin: 10 }, 420: { items:3, margin: 10 }, 768: { items:4, margin:15 }, 992: { items:5 } } }); /* Team Carousel */ $('.team-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Testimonials Carousel */ $('.testimonials-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 768: { items:2 } } }); /* About Slider */ $('.about-slider.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ items: 1, loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000 }); /* Portfolio Post - Portfolio Slider */ $('.portfolio-post-slider.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, items:1, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, animateOut: 'fadeOut' }); /* Portfolio Post - Related carousel */ $('.portfolio-related-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 18000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 420: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* Blog Post - Related carousel */ $('.blog-related-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 18000, responsive:{ 0: { items:1 }, 600: { items:2 } } }); }, tooltip: function () { // Bootstrap Tooltip if ( $.fn.tooltip ) { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } }, popover: function () { // Bootstrap Popover if ( $.fn.popover ) { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: 'focus' }); } }, scrollBtnAppear: function () { if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= 400 ) { $('#scroll-top').addClass('fixed'); } else { $('#scroll-top').removeClass('fixed'); } }, scrollToTop: function () { $('#scroll-top').on('click', function (e) { $('html, body').animate({ 'scrollTop': 0 }, 1200); e.preventDefault(); }); }, lightBox: function () { /* Lightbox for portfolio items and videso and etc.. */ $('.popup-gallery').lightGallery({ selector: '.zoom-btn', thumbnail:true, exThumbImage: 'data-thumb', thumbWidth: 50, thumbContHeight: 60 }); // Lightbox for video with button - see: index-agency $('.video-btn-section').lightGallery({ selector: '.trigger-video-btn', thumbnail:false }); }, productZoom: function () { var self = this; // Product page zoom plugin settings if ($.fn.elevateZoom) { $('#product-zoom').elevateZoom({ responsive: true, zoomType: 'inner', // lens or window can be used - options already set below borderColour: '#e1e1e1', zoomWindowPosition: 1, zoomWindowOffetx: 30, cursor: "crosshair", // zoomWindowFadeIn: 400, zoomWindowFadeOut: 250, lensBorderSize: 3, // lens border size lensOpacity: 1, lensColour: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', // lens color lensShape : "square", // circle lens shape can be uses lensSize : 200, scrollZoom : true }); /* swap images for zoom on click event */ $('.product-gallery').find('a').on('click', function (e) { var ez = $('#product-zoom').data('elevateZoom'), smallImg = $(this).data('image'), bigImg = $(this).data('zoom-image'); ez.swaptheimage(smallImg, bigImg); e.preventDefault(); }); } }, progressBars: function () { var self = this; // Calculate and Animate Progress $('.progress-animate').waypoint( function (direction) { var $this = $(this.element), progressVal = $this.data('width'); $this.css({ 'width' : progressVal + '%'}, 400); }, { offset: '90%', triggerOnce: true }); }, countTo: function () { // CountTo plugin used count animations for homepages if ( $.fn.countTo ) { if ($.fn.waypoint) { $('.count').waypoint( function () { $(this.element).countTo(); }, { offset: '90%', triggerOnce: true }); } else { $('.count').countTo(); } } else { // fallback if count plugin doesn't included // Get the data-to value and add it to element $('.count').each(function () { var $this = $(this), countValue = $this.data('to'); $this.text(countValue); }); } }, scrollAnimations: function () { /* Wowy Plugin */ if ( typeof WOW === 'function' ) { new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', // default animateClass: 'animated', // default offset: 0 // default }).init(); } }, twitterFeed: function () { /* Twitter feed for user*/ if ( $.fn.tweet && $('.twitter-feed-widget').length ) { $('.twitter-feed-widget').tweet({ modpath: './assets/js/twitter/', avatar_size: '', count: 2, query: 'wrapbootstrap', // change query with username if you want to display search results loading_text: 'searching twitter...', join_text: '', retweets: false, template: '
' /* etc... */ }); } }, flickerFeed: function () { /* Flickr feed plugin */ // credits https://www.flickr.com/photos/smanography/ if ( $.fn.jflickrfeed ) { $('.flickr-widget-list').jflickrfeed({ limit: 12, qstrings: { id: '56502208@N00' // change with you flickr id }, itemTemplate: '
  • ' + '' + '{{title}}' + '' + '
  • ' }); } }, instagramFeed: function () { // Instagram Feed if ( $.fn.spectragram && $('#instafeed').length) { jQuery.fn.spectragram.accessData = { accessToken: '2229187323.566f1cf.c41eaca370664379b822dc3b17bb1464', clientID: '7c28e44736494357ba3df343b1c699fe' }; jQuery('#instafeed').spectragram('getUserFeed',{ query: 'eonythemes', max: 13, size: 'medium', wrapEachWith: '', complete: function() { $('#instafeed.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, smartSpeed:800, responsive:{ 0: { items:3 }, 480: { items:4 }, 768: { items:6 }, 992: { items:7 }, 1200: { items:9 }, 1500: { items:10 }, 1900: { items:12 } } }); } }); } }, filterSliders:function () { // Slider For category pages / filter price var priceSlider = document.getElementById('price-slider'); // Check if #price-slider elem is exists if not return // to prevent error logs if (priceSlider == null) return; noUiSlider.create(priceSlider, { start: [ 100, 900 ], connect: true, step: 50, range: { 'min': 0, 'max': 1000 } }); this.sliderText(priceSlider, '$'); }, sliderText: function(slider, currency) { // add slider values as a text // check for currency too var currencyVar = (currency) ? '$' : null, divHandles = slider.getElementsByClassName('noUi-handle'), divs = []; // Add divs to the slider handles. for ( var i = 0; i < divHandles.length; i++ ){ divs[i] = document.createElement('div'); divHandles[i].appendChild(divs[i]); } // When the slider changes, write the value to the tooltips. slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function( values, handle ){ divs[handle].innerHTML = ( currencyVar) ? (currencyVar + values[handle]) : Math.round(values[handle]); }); }, isotopeActivate: function() { // Trigger for isotope plugin if ( $.fn.isotope ) { var container = this.container, layoutMode = container.data('layoutmode'); container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.portfolio-item', layoutMode: (layoutMode) ? layoutMode : 'masonry' }); } }, isotopeReinit: function () { // Recall for isotope plugin if ( $.fn.isotope ) { this.container.isotope('destroy'); this.isotopeActivate(); } }, isotopeFilter: function () { // Isotope plugin filter handle var self = this, filtersContainer = $('#portfolio-filter, #nav-portfolio-filter'); filtersContainer.find('a').on('click', function(e) { var $this = $(this), selector = $this.attr('data-filter'); filtersContainer.find('.active').removeClass('active'); // And filter now self.container.isotope({ filter: selector, transitionDuration: '0.8s' }); $this.closest('li').addClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }); }, blogMasonry: function() { // Trigger for isotope plugin if ( $.fn.isotope ) { var blogContainer = this.blogContainer; blogContainer.isotope({ itemSelector: '.entry-grid', layoutMode: 'masonry' }); } }, matchProducts: function () { // Match all products (Category - Shop Pages) $('.products-container').each(function() { $(this).find('.product').matchHeight(); }); } }; // Ready Event jQuery(document).ready(function () { // Init our app Simple.init(); }); // Load Event $(window).on('load', function() { Simple.scrollBtnAppear(); }); // Scroll Event $(window).on('scroll', function () { Simple.scrollBtnAppear(); }); // Google Map api v3 - Map for contact pages if ( document.getElementById("map") && typeof google === "object" ) { // Map pin coordinates and content of pin box var locations = [ [ '
    Address: Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Phone: +01 010 554 11 22
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